Friday, May 16, 2008

Focus on Japan

Enough of the banter :) It's time for more Japanese phrases!

Table messes - (really ends with a 'u', like 'mesu') Would you like to eat?
No me messes - (ditto) Would you like to drink?

Chew toe - little
Oh key - big

Airy "Gato" - (the 'gato' is spanish for 'cat') Thank You
don't touch my moustache - You're welcome

Come itch my what? - Hello!
Mooshy Mooshy - Hello!... only on the phone

Tonight we were supposed to meet my friend and lawyer, Alex. But our jet-lagged asses were crashed out taking a nap until 8:30pm. Doh! Instead, we took Alex's advice and ate at an Izakaya restaraunt (it's a name of a chain) then accidentally walked into the red light district. (remember, this is a clean blog :)
After that we stumbled upon a hair salon. What's that saying?..."When in Rome..." I'm a Hoppa, I need to get my haircut in Asia! So I have Japanese bangs now. Sweet.

Sigh Re-Know-Ra


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airy gato = hello kitty?

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