Monday, August 11, 2008

10:03 AM... I get it!

Turns out that no one is supposed to be on this floor... for a reason!! The entire floor is being re-wired and someone is picking me up now to go to the first floor, where the leprechauns hide their gold...

They must be leprechauns!

That's right, I'm in Dublin for work. After 5 hours of sleep, a quick jog along the river, working on my training documents, getting jerked by the taxi and driven in a big circle, I managed to get to work waaaaaaaaay before anyone on the 4th floor. It's 9:42 AM and still no one in sight. Not 1 single person is sitting at their desk working. I did run in to a few people (no one I know of course) in the basement kitchen getting and eating breakfast. But as I sit here and avoid continuing scripting the training documents for which I have to use for training today, there is not 1 person in the room. It's a big room too, let's see...I just counted 16 rows of 6 desks each that is 96 desks...NINETY SIX! Not counting the offices. It can't be a holiday, maybe there is some event, or perhaps work in Dublin doesn't start until 10 AM on Mondays? Or everyone got in the same cab I did and is being driven around in circles. Now 9:46 AM and still ...not a single soul sitting in the remaining 95 desks. I'm so glad I partied on Friday night...

Sunday, August 10, 2008

When in Japan

When blogging in Japan, Blogger thinks you are in Japan and all the buttons and instructions are Japanese and Chinese characters. But when you are back in the USA and then fly you and your computer to Ireland you just might find that blogger isn't so smart... this shit is still in Japanese and Chinese! I can guess the locations of the buttons I want to push, but dammit, if I hit cancel after writing this I will bust some Google/Blogger ass! Of course, I could just email someone internally (like IT or Blogger themselves) and get this fixed. Who has time for that? Shit, I don't have time to blog even! OK I can figure this out... Babblefish will translate the buttons!

Per Babble Fish:
Button #1: 投稿を公開 = Disclosure of contribution
(OK, not what I expected. Could mean "Upload")
Button #2: すぐに保存 = Right away preservation
(Shit! Now that has to mean "Save")

So if I hit either at least I'm not canceling my entry.
I'm going for Button #1, if I don't report back then we have succeeded! And apparently you are reading this entry. If not, then I used Plan B...which I'm still making up right now.

All in all, I now know why Japanese shirts written in English mean absolutely nothing to those that read/write/fully understand the language. Which reminds me... never ask a Japanese tourist, "what time is it now?"

OH... goes!