Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Gotta Walk First...

...but I want to run!!!

About 3 weeks ago I took my last vicoden. The thought of feeling again was frightening. Not just the pain but the feeling of want to do more. Vicoden is a great sedative, which helps with mellowing out a hyperactive person like moi. Which in turn is a good thing when this person bashes her knee snowboarding after the second day on the job as a snowboard instructor. This season would have been my 8th year as an instructor at Vail. And this season, I planned on getting my avalanche certification, possibly level II certification, and generally tearing up the steep slopes for a month (that would be steeps not at Vail...shhh Vail Mountain is nothing compared to BC and much much more). All a part of my big sabbatical plan. But that came to a crashing hault (no pun intended) when I stupidly hit a compression (most likely) straight legged. After 13 years of riding you think I would know better. Maybe the greys in my head aren't just an indicator to go blond? At any rate, I did a good job tearing my MCL, meniscus, and ripping my ACL to oblivion. Now a dead person's donated Achilles tendon holds my knee joint in proper alignment. Ha!

So it's 3 weeks in with no Vics and nearly 3 months past my surgery, I am antsy! I want to run, jump, bike (not just in my living room), skateboard, boogie board, SNOWBOARD, and get everything going at once. Everything. Even secret things I can't share with anyone right now...

Today, I walk and dammit I do it well.