Monday, August 17, 2009

What's up with all the change?

I had to change my template to this blog, the green was killing me. But I'm too busy to really make a pretty template, so instead I'll write...

There has been so much change in the world lately that has seemed to affect everyone. First of all, I have to say it, Facebook really has changed our communication with everyone from the past, from the bar, and especially online. I am a fan. I would buy stock but perhaps it's over-rated now with all the incredibly greedy decisions made at the company (did I say that?). Anyway, maybe it's the age I'm in but I really think it's the time we live in. We are all working hard to find a way to not work so hard. Some of us have clearly been let go from jobs, some of us have run from opportunity, and others are grabbing balls left and right. As for me, in 2009 thus far, I have done them all. OK, I've mainly grabbed a bunch of balls. And yes, this blog entry is about me, cause it's myyyyyyyyyyyy blog!

Soon after knee surgery in my incredibly over-percacet state, I had the balls to tell my boss at YouTube that, "No, I do not agree with the new terms of my offer a week prior to when I was to restart work." OK, that's not a direct quote, but close. So, I started my new year jobless, crippled, medicated, and broke. When I returned to SF, at the end of January, I had a huge friend base to help me get back on my feet. Took me a month to interview, decide that I would start my own company with some fantastic peeps, and change the way companies would think about hiring an Ad Ops Director. By March, I landed my first true consulting gig with a Mobile advertising company. Score! Meanwhile, I was trying to get my other Ad Ops company off the ground.

Then a couple of months later I convinced another company to hire me as a consultant. I'm hot! And I still don't have a website for my consulting company. Oh yes, I have a corporation, get this... isokrankee, inc. Yup, that's me! DBA and all (ok... still haven't filed that, but damn, I'm so busy!) For a month, I worked 2 consulting gigs, the new one in the city the other in the South Bay. And I would swap them MWF in the South Bay, T/Th in the city. That clearly drove me nuts.

Once the end of that hellish month was over, I was out on the prowl during my "spare" time interviewing and building up my pipeline while still working a couple of days at the gig in the city. Prowling was fun, but it started to wear on me. Over and over again I had to repeat my intentions of, "I'm starting a new gig, I don't want the full time position, if you decide to not to hire a consultant (aka me) then I can refer you someone else in the industry."

I hate repeating.

In July I figured it out finally, and after finally meeting the man of my dreams. And just around the time that my partners and I decide to put our startup in the back burner, and just watch is buuuuuuurn. Although before I figure it out, I lose all control and breakdown. It could have been the pityriasis rosea, then uncontrollable hives, on top of stresses from a new relationship, job hunting, people disappointments, and all that is life... but I finally just lose it. It's one of those days when you wake up already 10 minutes late to an interview, you have to fabricate a lie (and I hate lying), run out the house with an ice pack to your face to reduce the swelling from crashing on your pillow funny after drinking a couple of whiskeys, and somehow make it through a day of 2 interviews, consulting in office, and crying any chance you get. Let's call that a cleansing experience, because since then I have learned to manage my pipeline better, stop the repetition of interviews, and chose just 3 or 4 things to work on. Just 3 or 4, ok maybe 5.

And that brings me to tonight. Where among the many very important very life changing things that I must decide in 24 hours, I have decided to change the template of my blog. Why? Shit, cause I can! Because I have the easy decision and control to click a single template to get rid of that aweful green that blanketed my blog and make this thing legible. Writing this entry was a by-product, a slight mistake, perhaps a waste of my valuable time, but really it helps. I've gotten something off of my shoulder, wish I had time to tell more...but I am ready to focus again, crank out some work, build an empire, motivate anyone that is ready to be motivated. I am going to have a lot of work for anyone ready to work, have fun, and is ready for some quality change.

As my dear friend Anna says, "You won't win unless you play! So play!"

Are you ready?


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